Fungi some of the most interesting subjects in the field of biology
Fungi have threadlike bodies. A fungus is made of long, slender filaments. Most of the fungal body is made loosely woven filaments. The filaments weave more tightly to form reproductive structures.
Fungal cell walls contain chitin. Fungi are Heterotrophic. They obtain energy by breaking down organic and inorganic material in their environment and absorbing the nutrients. In sexual reproduction, spores are produced by meiosis. In asexual reproduction, spores are produced by mitosis. Sexual reproduction results in genetic diversity. Asexual reproduction allows fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually. Fungi that absorb nutrients from dead organisms are called saprobes. Fungi have bodies made of threadlike strands called hyphae. Hyphae form a tangled mass, often many meters long, called mycellium. In some fungi, hyphae also form rootlike structures called rhizoids. Fungi that absorbs from living hosts are called parsite.The chytrids are a group of aquatic fungi that provide clues about the evolution of fungi. Zygote fungi are named for sexual reproductive structures that produce zygotes inside a tough capsule. Sac fungi are characterized by an ascus , a saclike sexual reproductive structure thaht produces spores. Club fungi are characterized by a badisium, a cluclike sexual reproductive structure that produces spores. Fungi form mutualistic symbiotic associations to form lichens and mycorrhizae. Fungi are used for food, medicines, research, alternative fuels, and pest control. Fungi play important ecological roles by decompsoing organic matter and by breaking down and absorbing minerals from rocks and soil. Fungi cause disease by absorbiung nutrients from host tissues and by producing toxins. Dermatophytes are fungi that infect the skin and nails.
Heres everything you know about fungi: Website